November 1, 2009

TRicK or TrEaT

Daylight Savings time was last night. I can't believe that it was pitch black tonight at 6 PM. Fall and Winter are upon us. I am so glad that it was still light enough last night for the kids to trick or treat without it being too dark to early.
The week started out with Brian finally getting his WeBeLos Badge and 9 activity badges and his Arrow of Light! We are so proud of him. He has waited a long time. For some reason our camera wasn't working very good that night (maybe the photographer-Robert) but we were able to get a couple of pictures of him!

Congrats Brian we are proud of you! Have a great time being a BoY he can start working on his EaGlE!
On Friday Brian had his school HaLLoweeN party. Giovanni and I went down to take a couple of pictures of Brian and the other kids at school. It was fun to see the great costumes!

Then on Friday night Gio and I went to a party at our friends, the Basile's home. It was an Italian Halloween party and we had a fun time.

Then last night we had Trunk or Treat at the church. There were a few really amazing costumes.

We've had a fun week and now it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving. I can't believe that the end of the year is here. Where did the time go?
This year we will be celebrating a little different then we have in the past...we will be going to our friends, the Tubbs home. Thank goodness for wonderful friends.
Happy Fall to everyone!!!


Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

SO FUN!!! Love love the pictures!!!

Cristy said...

You guys are hilarious! Wish we could have gone to the Ward party... those were the best!

Laylabean said...

Those pictures of the Crandalls made me sad, I miss you guys SO much!! Tell Tammy hi for me, will you please?