October 26, 2009

Halloween Week

It has been a busy week at our home.
Robert has had a lot going on with school...mid-terms, papers to write, and homework. I have seen a lot of dedication from that boy, and I'm proud of him. He has also been attending institute, and doing his scouting duties with the Webelos. Work will start up again for him in a few weeks, so he will really be busy then. He had his interview with the Bishop for his mission papers and should have his last one this week with the Stake President, then they will be sent in and we wait. We should know before Thanksgiving! Any bets on where he will go?????
Brian is enjoying school. He really likes his ballroom dance class that he is taking and it is fun to see him practice around the house.
Gio and I have been busy with work, boys, etc.... Life is good and we can't complain.
Tonight Gio took Brian to Cornbellys. It is a pumpkin patch/corn maze that is close to where we live (20 minutes or so away towards SLC). They had a really fun time tonight. I stayed home because I picked up an extra shift at work....
Here are some pics that Gio took!!!

They also purchased a 20+ lb pumpkin that we will be carving tomorrow...I'll post pictures when we are done.
I found some pictures from Halloween 2002 that I thought I would share...the boys were so cute back then!

Hope you all have a wonderful week! and of course....
H.A.P.P.Y H.A.L.L.O.W.E.E.N BOO!!!

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