September 6, 2009


This week went by pretty quick!
Robert and Brian are slowly getting into their routines with school, work, scouts, callings, etc....
Brian feels very independent because we are letting him ride his bike to school while the weather is still good and not too cold in the mornings. I have to admit that the first couple of days I followed him up the hill to the school just to make sure that he got there safely. I hate the round about that he has to go through and they are doing some road construction close to our house so it makes me nervous. He's done a great job and I feel okay about it now. He loves it because after school he'll call me on his cell phone and say something like, "hey mom, this is Brian, I've finished my homework so can I go to so and so's house to play?" and off he goes. It is nice to not have to drive him everywhere all the time.
For fine arts at school he is doing ball room dancing and loves it. There are several boys and girls in the class that he knows, and one of them is Talon, one of his best friends, so they have a blast! I can't wait to see him perform. He will practice at home, and has a lot of fun with it!
Robert on the other hand is so busy! Thank goodness for weekends so that he can relax and play some. I know he is looking forward to Monday and no school! He has classes every day, and home work all the time (finally has figured out the on line home work thing, but still weird for him), he has a study group for Chemistry, and then institute, Webelos (assistant den leader) and work, plus what ever else comes up so his plate is full.
These past couple of days have been exciting. He has met with our Bishop (in our church ward) and has begun the process for submitting his mission papers! I can't believe it. When he brought some stuff home the other day I got a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. We are so proud of Robert. He has made this choice on his own and he really wants to go. He has said that he isn't going to write me because I will just cry and worry about him. I told him if he didn't write I would be on his door step, or calling his mission president. I know he'll write, he better write, I hope he writes! Also in about two weeks he will be ordained an Elder and receive the Melchizedek priesthood. What a wonderful event in his life. This past year he has grown so much.
Brian and Robert are very close even though there are almost 8 years between them. They both teach each other a lot and have been a good example for each other. Robert is now setting another example for Brian. That is what brother's do!
Gio and I are doing the same and boys!
This past week was filled with some fun football games! We watched the Utah Utes on Thursday night and they won their first game! It was great! We bleed red!, except for Brian! Then on Friday night we went to the Provo High game. It was their first home game. They were 2-0 and we were hoping for a win, but they lost. It was still fun to be there with all the kids....though not the same without Robert and all his peeps around, but fun. Then last night we watched BYU against Oklahoma. What a game!! We aren't huge BYU fans, but we always want them to win, especially since Max Hall, the QB is our neighbor, and this is his senior year. It was so fun to watch and we really got into it at the end! This year I think we are red and blue until the final game against each other, then we are a house divided....
Hope you all are doing well....and enjoying these last few days of summer.

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