August 14, 2012


Why am I not into this blogging thing as much as I use to be? Maybe I feel like my life isn't that exciting and there really isn't that much to write about. We haven't gone anywhere exciting, or done anything thrilling. Actually this summer has been a bit boring by most people's standards.

The boys have played ball, hung out with friends, gone to the water park, played "put put" (mini golf), done indoor soccer, celebrated a few holidays, seen a few movies, gone out to eat a few times, and just hung out at home. There was Youth Conference and Scout Camp as well, and a weekend without mom and dad. I'm sure that some of the reason we haven't gone anywhere is because Robert had school this summer. He took and English class and Philosophy. We stayed home so that he could go to school. English and Philosophy. Not his two most favorite subjects. But he did it, and now he is done.

The one thing that I can say about this summer is that it has been GREAT! Why? Because we have all been here together. It has been nice to see the boys laugh together, play video games, basketball, and just hang out. As I was talking to Robert yesterday he made the comment that the "Brian" he knew...the little brother....doesn't exist anymore. Two years is a long time and people change, and Brian changed, a lot. Not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. I'm sure that in some ways it has been hard for Robert, and Brian, to get use to one another again, and how much they have changed.

As I was talking to Robert we somehow got on the conversation of what he and Brian would do if Gio and I passed away. What a morbid conversation to have with your child...however...I wanted our wishes to be know. One comment that Robert said made me realize. again, how much Robert loves Brian. He said something like..."don't worry much as I bug and tease Brian, I would watch out for him and take care of him. I wouldn't let anything happen to him." What a great sign of brotherly love. But don't worry...we don't plan on going anywhere for a while.

Summer is coming to an end. Brian starts 8th grade next week, and Robert will begin school again on the 27th. Life is really going to get busy and hectic. But maybe I will have more things to put on this blog, who knows.

Here are a few pictures of some things going on here...Nothing to exciting...just some things that I love.

We had the opportunity to go to a wedding reception up in SLC at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. There was such a lovely view that night. It was special to share it with the boys.

We went to a play one night here in our was Fiddler on the Roof. It was fun to take Talon with us.

There have been plenty of mosquito's around this summer. They hadn't really bothered me up until a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what changed, but they have now decided they "like" me. Oh goody!

The Olympics have been going on for the past  17 days. They were held in London England this time.
It was fun to watch these athletes as they competed. What a great demonstration of hard work, sportsmanship, desire, and grace. There were some exciting things that happened over the past 17 days. Here are a few of my favorites:

Swimming is always fun to watch. And these Olympics it was no different. Michael Phelps made history as the most decorated Olympian of all time. He is amazing!

The US Gymnastic team won the Gold, and Gabby was the first African American to win the All Around...

Bolt....the fastest man on earth..he won the 100M and 200M ...he is amazing!

And of course..US Women's Soccer didn't let us down either!! These women are amazing!

There was so much hype about the dream team of 1992 and the US team of 2012. I'm not sure who is the best, I think it's a tie...However, Kevin Durrant didn't let us down, with over 30 pts against Spain in the final. What a game! And USA came out on top!!

Then it all came to an I guess we will have to wait four more years for Rio. That will be fun.

Most of all this summer we have enjoyed the Utah skies. There have been a lot of fires going on around here, but it has made for some lovely sunsets. Here are a few of my favorite.

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