I have been wanting to do this post for the past week...but just haven't had the time with everything going on at home. But now...here I sit with my Hilary Weeks CD playing in the back ground and and my note book in front of me. I hope this post won't seem like rambling...but so many amazing thoughts were shared there, and I want to share them with all of you.
Brad Wilcox: When he was a mission president in Chile he had a missionary who was going through a difficult time, and the elder asked him...president, finding work is sometimes so hard, wouldn't it be easier to let everyone die, then do baptisms for the dead.....the answer was simple and clear, baptism is just a means to the end...what are we really here for, "to become like our Father in Heaven". We can't do that if we are already dead.
Why did we come to earth...it wasn't to be with him...if that were the case, we would have never left to begin with. We would have stayed. We have to remember that our lives are like a symphony...God wants to the composer. He is making us. This life is about becoming better.
We need to think always...Can Christ see himself in us?
Missionaries teach people to read, ponder and pray...but do they do it? Do we do it? Sometimes
God doesn't answer right away. If he did would we continue to study?
If we have any doubts as mothers/women...know that God is there. He does hear us and He loves us.
Hilary Weeks: She did a clicker experiment. Every time she thought something negative she would click her clicker to count how many thoughts she had in a week, It was several hundreds a day. Instead she decided to count the positive thoughts. She was happier and more positive and happy. And her clicks were in the thousands for the week.
"We become what we want to be by being what we want to become".
As we say our daily prayers we need to be asking the Lord what is it that He wants or needs for us to accomplish that way. He will let us know. The Lord will be as much or as little a part of our lives as we want and let Him be.
Sheri Dew: The spirit is a great translator for whatever it is that you need to hear. We must all remember the YW theme: We are daughters of our Heavenly Father. We will stand as a witness at all times and in all place.....not when it is comfortable for us....but always. As women we need to be an example of what a daughter of God is. YM need to see in us what they can become.
We can never be neutral about the gospel. We must be a witness to the truthfulness and restoration.
The gospel has a happy ending...we all return to our Father in Heaven. Who doesn't want a happy ending?
How deep are our spiritual roots. Are we water and cultivating them? What does your faith, courage, and heart look like. It isn't the flower on the outside...it is the root that counts. What does our inside look like? The root is what drives us to be who and what we are.
We all have earthquakes and aftershocks in our lives. If your prayers seem that they aren't being answered...remember the one who said, "my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" If you want the view, then you need to make the climb. This is the dispensation of the fullness of times. In D&C 121 we are told that nothing shall be withheld from us. All power is restored to the earth.
Christ will come again...we need to be seeking women with deep roots.
Stephanie Nielsen (NeiNei): I have to write first how amazing it was to hear Stephanie speak. She was a last minute addition to the program, and I felt so blessed to hear her words. If you don't know who she is, click on her name and learn more about her.
She told about her experience of the plane crash and how it felt to be in the plane burning.. She said that she knew she was going to die, and she felt at peace. She knew that the people she loved knew how she felt about them, and that her life what in order, and she was okay. It made me think about my life and if I would would be ready to die...and sadly, the answer was no.
She had a choice to recover and be happy. She remembered her divine nature and potential. When she looked at herself in the mirror the first time she saw God in her eyes and knew that He loved her, and it would be okay.
We need to love ourselves, and love others.
We are daughters of God.
Make our relationships better. Make sure that others know how we feel about them.
Emily Watts: 5 Habits of Happiness:
1. Have thick skin...make sure things can bounce off. You can be the BEST mother and people will still judge you. Remember they don't have the full picture.
2. Expect hard things of yourself AND of your children. As we progress and do something we realize we can do hard things, and succeed. The road to accomplishments is paved with whining.
3. Give you children a FEW will chosen TRADITIONS. They bring happiness and wonderful memories. It doesn't have to be something expensive. Just something that your family does.
4. Think of yourself as a person. Your children deserve a person as a mother.
S. Micheal Wilcox: Secret of becoming is learning and knowledge. We are always serving...do we serve ourselves? Sometimes we need to take care of ourselves first. D&C 125~ there shall be a time given to learning much. Sorrow is a great teacher...but remember....we PASS THROUGH sorrow, we don't stay in it forever...and we pass through, we are one step closer to joy.
We need to show appreciation to our spouse for what he/she is....not what we want them to become.
Wendy Ulrich: 7 Steps to Happiness
1. Stop worrying about your weaknesses....work on your strengths.
2. Don't try to get motivated to exercise...it won't happen. Motivation follows action. Start doing it and the motivation will follow.
3. Stop trying to find friends. Develop friendship attributes. We can't wait for others to come to us, we need to go to them.
4. Don't try to feel happy. Be grateful and that brings happiness.
5. Celebrate Failure. It means we are trying. Learn from trial and error.
6. Don't get help with your problems. Help someone else with theirs and you will be happy. Service is the best medicine.
7. Don't endure to the end. President Hinckley said, "life is to be enjoyed, not endured." We need to pause and notice what is around us. Find delight and joy in the moment.
I had a lot more notes, but these are just some of the highlights.
Jericho Road was also there along with Hilary Weeks....the music was amazing!
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