October 9, 2011


As many of you know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Today was Fast and Testimony meeting in our congregation. This is where members of the church have the opportunity to stand and bear their individual testimony about the gospel. It is an open forum to whom ever is prompted by the spirit to stand and express their feelings.

Today there was a boy who is Brian's age. His name is Peter. I must tell you that the testimony that Peter bore today was the sweetest and simplest of testimonies, but what an amazing spirit. And what a strong testimony for a young boy. He spoke of the Holy Ghost, and he has felt that companionship and prompting more than once in his life. He also told of an experience that happened to him and how if he hadn't followed that prompting that he received that he may not be here today to share the experience. It was simple and sweet, yet so profound.

In Relief Society, which is the woman's meeting that we hold the lesson was about promptings of the spirit. In coincided perfectly with Peter's testimony.

It really was a wonderful day. This afternoon was spend at home with Gio and Brian watching a moving and making pizza. In the middle of all of this we received a message on facebook from one of Robert's friends, Alli. She is in Italy doing study abroad for the semester. She had the opportunity to see Robert in church today. Here is what she wrote:

you raised an AMAZING son. we were able to go to church with Robert Bona today and he interpreted for us and bore an amazing testimony. i couldn't have been more proud of him and all of my missionary friends :) I'll post pictures and write you a longer story later.

There are no words to express how I felt when I read that message. I couldn't even finish reading it out loud to Gio. I got a lump in my throat  and tears began to stream down my face. I was so proud of my son in that moment. I can't wait to see pictures and read all about it. Robert will be home in 5 months, and today in church I was thinking a lot about him. I am so proud of that boy!

And now Brian just came in the door telling me that he just had his interview with our Bishop to get his recommend to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead. He and his dad are going in the morning.

How could I not be so proud of these two boys! Giovanni and I have been given the opportunity to raise them, and I am so thankful that the Lord "loaned" them to us for a short time.

I love you Robert and Brian, and I am thankful to be your mother!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, those are the kinds of messages a mother lives for!

You've done such a good job with your handsome boys.