October 16, 2011


I am still having issues with Picasa...maybe I'm not meant to use it. I can't find my pictures that I've downloaded...and the ones that I have found I can't upload to the blog. So, for now I give up. I just don't have time for it. To many other things to do. Also I feel bad because I just let the blog sit here because I'm frustrated with the photos. So I'm back to doing it the old way. I want our family in Italy and friends who live far away, and even the ones close by to see and know what we are up to. So, here I am, fianlly!

Sorry that some of the following pictures are such poor quality. I don't walk aroumd with my camera all the time,  and so I tend to use my phone camera a lot...and there were a few days when that was even having problems and so I had to use Brian's camera on his phone...so the quality isn't the best, but you'll get the idea.

Brian turned 13 about 3 weeks ago, and his dear friends had a surprise party for him. They are all
BYU fans, but knowing that Bri loves the Utes, they had a "Red" party for him, and asked me if I would get at UofU cake for the occassion! They had a fun time just hanging out eating, laughing, talkimng, and playing night games. (The picture of the "gang" did not turn out at all! I'm so sad!)
Thank you to Megan and Anne who planned the party, and all of Brian's friends who came! It was great!

The other exciting thing is a two in one combo! Brian had to get "reading" glasses. He only needs them for close up work, just to bring the images up sharper and clearer. I was a bit worried about glasses and braces at the same time. But if anyone could pull it off, it would be Brian. However....we then realized that his glasses would arrive about the time that he would be getting his braces off.

Brian then tried to convince me that "skinny jeans" are cool...so we went jeans shopping....

I sure wish that I could pull off looking that good in skinny jeans, but I guess I would need to be skinny first! Oh well...needless to say, they were way too skinny, so we compromised and he got some really straight legged jeans.

Brain and a friend tried out for a super league basketball team a few weeks back. I really didn't think that he would have a chance of making the team, because they take boys from all over and make two teams, the "black" or A team, then a lower team. There were over 30 boys that tried out. I have to admit that we were shocked when we got the call that he had made the team!!! WOW! Way to go Brian! But we weren't very informed when he and Kache tried out. We thought the cost would be around $500 or so...but when it came down to it, it was a lot more!!! $1,300 dollars and a 9 month commitment, practices and conditining 2x a week and games. The other problem being that Brian wants to play for the jr high team, hoping to play in high school.  Giovanni and I really talked about it and talked with Brian...and after some tears, etc. it was decided that Brian wouldn't play on the team. It took him about a day to realize that it was okay....and also the fact that his friend decided not to play either.

Brian likes track and soccer too and I just think that it is better to be able to do what you want to do and not be locked in to something that might stop you from trying something else. He is really good at track and field and has discovered that he likes it...so, it will be fun to see what path he will follow.

Basketball try outs at the jr high start on Monday! Good luck Brian...do your best and you'll be great! Because you are great!! It all works out the way that it should. So whatever happens...it's all good!

We love you son! You are the best! Thank you for being you!!! 

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