April 14, 2011


I am happy. I love my life and almost everything about it. Don't get me wrong...there are things that I would like to improve upon, get rid, change, do differently, etc. But...I am happy. I sometimes wonder if that is also my downfall. Because I am happy, I don't always feel the need or desire to change. But there is always room for improvement. So...that is what I'm going to be working on for the next several months. In different ways. I'm sure that as time goes by I will blog about some of the things I'm improving...but for now...just know that I am working on my list and also how I plan to accomplish these goals.
I know that I will need to be realistic. Italy wasn't built in one day, so I won't be improving in one day...but I will be making strides. As long as I move forward in the right direction it is progress...right? Yes.

 This past Monday we had a fun family activity. BYU has a display going on of Carl Bloch paintings. It is amazing. You should really go if you haven't already. and you have the chance. Go here to check it out. It was one of the most beautiful things that I have seen in a long time. Amazing really. The spirit that I felt as I stood and looked at those paintings (and listening to the commentary on the iPad that you can rent-and worth the $3 too!) was a feeling that I won't forget for a long time.

As I sat admiring these paintings I was so overcome with the spirit that tears began to well up in my eyes. I wished that I had a tissue with me to wipe the tears. I really wasn't expecting the emotions that I felt. But it was so nice to feel them. And to reflect on the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. While at this exhibit I realized that I was happy. And I was loved by my Father in Heaven...just as each on of us is. We are His sons and daughters. And Jesus Christ is our Savior. And he did set the example for each one of us. Like the scriptures say...He is the life, the way, and the Light. He is the Master.

As we were leaving we got a picture of us all together. A nice memory of the day. The sun was shinning in our eyes so we are squinting...but these two guys are part of the reason why I'm happy. We sent this picture to Robert as well...we wanted him to see how much Brian had grown. That kid is only 12 1/2! He will be looking down at us pretty soon. After we took this picture..off to Tucano's we went for some yummy food!

Today we received an email from Robert. He sounds like himself again, and that is so good! He too is happy! He loves his new companion and they are already working hard. When I get these types of emails from him and I know that he is doing well, it brings such peace and happiness to my soul. He has changed so much in the past 13 1/2 months. I can't imagine what he will be like next March (2012) when he comes home. For now I'm just counting the days until Mother's Day (22) until he will call home and we get to talk to him again and hear his voice. Ask me that day how happy I am!!! I won't be able to stop smiling I'm sure!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

I loved this post! I love my life too, but the work I need to do on myself seems never ending!

I'm so glad you went to see the Bloch Exhibit! I'm sure it was amazing and I just can't wait till my kids are older and we can do activities like this.