January 13, 2011


I haven't posted anything here for several weeks. Not that I haven't thought about it, but I just haven't had time. Work has been so crazy. There have been 3 huge winter storms since Christmas and so there has been mandatory and optional overtime. So needless to say I have been sitting at my desk working a lot, well....a lot more than I am use to working. But the paychecks have been good, so I won't complain to much. However, my house looks neglected...so this weekend I'm really going to start working on that! But first I felt like I needed to catch up on the blogs! Especially because there was still Christmas music playing and the background was all christmasy...so I chose one that will last for a while that I won't need to mess with too much!
Still work, but a different topic....I was helping an old man the other day. His name was Murray. He and his wife had been married 63 years. He told me the greatest love story I've heard in a long time. I could do a post on just Murray and his wife. But I don't have the time. But after talking to Murray I realized that his marriage to his wife is a lot like my dad and mother had. Married young, husband off to war, not a lot of money, work hard to support the family and kids, do anything for the wife, still in love after all these years! Boy I really want to have that type of marriage. Giovanni and I will be married 21 years next week. I love him more than ever. He is my best friend. Thank you Murray, and Dad for the type of husbands you are. It gives us women some hope! Today some people take marriage so lightly...if it doesn't work, get a divorce. Marriage takes work..a lot of it. I have been thinking a lot about my marriage. There were times that were oh so hard. But I wouldn't trade the road we have walked down. It has made us stronger as individuals, a couple, a companionship, friends, parents. We are working towards eternity together. I am so glad and thankful that I can say "Gio is my best friend!"
Brian is now on 3, did I say 3 basketball teams! Oh my. For now only two are going. Number 3 will start the end of February. But he loves it, and he's good at it. And it is fun to watch him play. It makes him happy, and that makes us happy. He is such a special boy. I am glad he is our son! He brings us joy! And he makes us laugh. For now Gio and he are working on his science project...my part will come soon with the display portion of it. All good. I did it with Robert, and I'll do it with Brian too!
Why do people feel like they can't be honest and say the truth.  Isn't it better to hurt someone for a small moment, then for a long time by not being honest and up front about whatever the situation is? That's all I'm gonna say about that one....
I need a vacation. Our whole family needs one! Soon...I hope! Even just for a few days!
I need to make a to do list, and organize my house and life and do some painting, but I'm not too good at it. Thank goodness that Tami offered to help, and Wendy too!
Did I mention that Robert was transferred to Milano? Go here to see a small tour of the city.
He is really happy to be there, but sad to leave Alessandria. He is doing great!
It's late, and I need to go to bed but I will continue this and soon!

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