April 29, 2010


This past week a returned missionary from our ward saw Robert in the temple. He sent me a message on facebook to let me know he had seen him and how good he looked and how well he is doing. He also said that Robert is going to be an amazing missionary! Can I just say that every time I write or say that I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. Not because I miss him, but because I'm so proud of him and everything that I hoped a mission would do for him is happening!
There have been so many people that have said the same thing to me..people from church when they heard him speak at his farewell...and also people who have seen him since he went in to the MTC...so I guess it must be true.
As a parent you always want the best for your children. You want them to be happy and prosperous. To have success, a family, etc. My one great hope and desire for Robert this past year has been for him to have a testimony and for it to grow. That has happened and I feel so blessed and happy for him.
His going on a mission has given me the opportunity to relive some of those feelings that I felt more than 20 years ago, and they are good feelings. I can only hope that when he comes home his mission experience will have been as great for him as mine was for me.
His letters have been fun to read and he has given some great advice to all of us, especially Brian. He is a great example.
The best thing was reading his letter this week when he told us he was ready and his Italian was decent! Yahoo....finally he is feeling good about it!
He leaves on Tuesday morning and goes to Chicago, then Frankfurt and then to Milano....what a long flight! But he is excited and ready to go! We on the other hand are looking forward to his phone call on Tuesday, then again on Sunday for Mother's Day!
In other news...Brian is doing super in school! He is doing his end of year testing and seems to be doing great and feeling good about it so far! Tonight is his last soccer game of the season. The team over all hasn't done that well...however Brian has scored an average of one to two goals each game! Not to shabby! Also he found out last week that he gets to go on the Pioneer Trek this summer with the youth in our ward, even though he won't be 12 until September...He is thrilled for that, and looking forward to 5h grade camp at Camp Big Springs!
Life is good right now and we are thankful for the blessings we have!


Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

LOVE it!!! Nothing better than missionary work!!!

Judi said...
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