December 26, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Birthday Mom

Our family had a wonderful Christmas week. For some strange reason this Christmas seemed so much better than some of the past. Maybe it was because we had previously decided that we were going to focus more on family and time together then presents. It was still a bit stressful going out and getting a few things for the kids and making sure that they were special gifts this year and not just something to put under the tree to satisfy the want for a lot of presents.
We are really big movie buffs and one of the things that we decided was that we each would pick a movie for the family to go and see together. So this week we spent a lot of time in the theatre. We saw What Happened to the Morgans, Avatar, and Sherlock Holmes, and this coming week are going to see the Chipmunks Sqweekquel. We have gone to lunch and shopped together and it has been a fun time for us. We have also been nursing Robert and his hand. He hasn't been able to do to much and so we have all been able to "serve" him. We have laughed a lot and really thought about the true meaning of Christmas.
On Christmas eve we went to our friends' home (where we also spent Thanksgiving) and had a wonderful time with them. They really are like family and we feel so blessed to be friends with them. We have known them for almost 16 years. We had great food, a talent show, a spiritual thought, and opened presents. It was such a special time.

We had fun Christmas morning opening up presents, Tibi's favorite part was playing with the wrapping paper, and I was lucky that I ended up only having to work for one hour that day. Then we made lasagna and went to dad's house to eat with the family. Everyone left pretty quick so I wasn't able to get a family picture, but it was a fun time with everyone and I'm glad we all got together.

Another thing that I did this year was make Greek cookies like my mother use to do! I have never made them before by myself and wasn't really sure how they would turn out, but Robert gave me an overall grade of a "B" and I'll take that just fine! Next year I'll do better because I know what I'm doing now! My mother would be proud!

I must admit that as I made the cookies I was thinking a lot of my mother! I knew that she was right there with me, helping me along. It will be her birthday on the 27th of December, she would be 80 years old. She has been gone for 5 years, and I can still say that not a day goes by that I don't think about her and miss her! I know that she would be so proud of Brian and Robert! She really loved those two boys! And they loved her!!! Happy Birthday Mom!

As this year comes to an end and we have celebrated the Christmas season I am most grateful for a kind, loving, and merciful Father in Heaven, and for our older brother Jesus Christ. The knowledge that I have that families are eternal and that we will all be together again is something very special to me. I am so thankful for my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How blessed we truly are.
I hope that 2009 has been as wonderful a year for everyon else as it has been for us and our family! 2010 will bring changes and new opportunities for our family! We are looking forward to them!


Jamie said...

Love Christmas! You guys had the right idea on your focus!!!
And those Greek cookies look very familiar. My mom makes them. She's from Greece. Are they called Koulourias and Kourabethies? And the twisted one has Anise in it? VERY good treats! Makes me miss home!
Happy New Year Bona's!
Love Jamie

Judi said...

Jamie...yes they are yummy cookies and turned out really good for the first time. I got all choked up as I made them. Made me think of my mom! My mother was 100% Greek, her family was immagrating to the US when she was born...
Happy New Year to all of you as well.
We hope you can come to Robert's farewell. It will be on February 28th. We would love to see you!