March 9, 2012


I wish that I had time to sit and write about everything that we have done this past week. But. alas, I don't. Time is just going by so quickly. I can't believe that Robert has been home for a week. And might I add, it has been a wonderful week. He has spent some time with friends, recived a few callings in church, got his old job back (might be looking for something else soon though), will register for school next week, and loves his natural gas car that we got for him. So I suppose that life is good...or getting there.

He went to the temple with some of his mission buddies the other day, and I really think that it was his favorite day out of the whole week. And I can understand why. I know that he misses his mission, a lot. The change is hard. Going from always having something to do, and your day planned out, to basically nothing to do, and lots of free time. Not having a companion, missing the food, and people as well make the change hard. He is doing well though. I know it will take time, and we just need to be patient with him, and him with us.

Tonight we are doing an open house for him. We thought it would be easier than doing something on the day that he speaks...less people, etc. It will be fun to see old friends, family, and missionary friends of his. Very casual, nothing over the top....just some mingling with some munchies...

Go here to read Robert's mission blog. I don't have the time to do double posts...

But I can tell you that it is great to have him home!

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