November 6, 2010

FALL 2010

It has been a busy month. I
 have not been blogging as much as usual because there hasn't been time.
Between work, school, church callings, football, etc... life has been crazy.
We also had some major computer problems at home that took us about a week or so to figure out and fix.
When you work from home and have a work computer and that gets messed up...
it can turn your world upside down.
For about a week I had to drive to work instead of being here at home in pj's.
You don't know how spoiled you are until you have to do that!
But now we are up and running again...thanks to Gio
and his perseverance and dedication and patience most of all!
Thanks honey for getting everything up and running again.

Robert got his "greenie" (new companion that he is training).
From his letters it seems like all is going well.
He never ceases to entertain us with his letters and stories.
It is hard to believe that he was gone 8 months on Nov 3, and that tomorrow it will be 250 days!
But who is counting!!! Not me!
We have a sticker chart and it does all the counting for me!!!

Giovanni was called as the Sunday School 1st counselor last week.
It is a calling that I think he will enjoy!
There is a bit of stress with it right now because of some changes and such that are going on,
 however, he works with some great men and I'm sure they will do a super job together!

Halloween has come and gone.
But we did have a lot of fun!
In the afternoon we went with Dana to lunch at Terra Mia and to Costco.
(She is my missionary companion, Susan's daughter).
We had a fun afternoon with her!

 She is a really cute girl and I'm glad that we had the chance to spend some time with her!
Even though it was a wet and rainy day we still managed to have some fun together!

On Friday I went to the school to help with Brian's Halloween Party in his class.
I figured this was the last year that there would actually be a party at school
where parents were invited to come and help out and watch the off I went.
Thinking that it would be an hour or so....
I ended up being there for about 3 hrs...but had a blast!
Here are a some of my favorites!

When did the 80's become a Halloween Costume?
Am I that old????
I remember wearing some of this stuff...Scary!

Ms Gibbs, the principal!
She is awesome! We sure love her
and all she does for the kids and the school!

This was one of our favorite costumes!
I need to remember this one for next year!
So cool! The picture doesn't do it justice!
That is the kids "real head" in his hands!

Brian and Kache!!!
What silly boys!
Sure do love them both!

The whole class!

These last few weeks have been the playoffs for Brian's football team.
They placed number 4 in their division...
They should have been number 2, but something about points, etc
when there are tied games or something...oh well...
The best part the playoffs they have done super!!
They won their semi-final game last Wednesday!
The beat the division champions who were undefeated!

After the game with the coaches.
A great bunch of boys!

Now onto the championship game this Wednesday!
Wish us luck!!!

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